Ridley Scott’s Prophets of Science Fiction Set for Science Channel


SILVER SPRING: This November, the Science channel is to feature the world premiere of the eight-part series Prophets of Science Fiction, hosted by Ridley Scott.

In Prophets of Science Fiction, Scott explores the relationship between the genre and the evolving worlds of science and technology. Each episode features a famous sci-fi figure, with the premiere episode looking at the celebrated author of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley, who is widely credited with creating the science fiction genre. Other’s featured in the series include George Lucas, Isaac Asimov, Jules Verne, Phillip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, H.G. Wells and Robert Heinlein. Prophets of Science Fiction is produced for Science by RDI Productions and Go Go Luckey Productions.

"For years I have been fascinated with the connection between creative inspiration and scientific progress," Scott said. "Often there is an attempt to separate the worlds of art and science, when in reality the two are inseparably linked. I am thrilled to work with Science on Prophets of Science Fiction, which will be the definitive exploration of science fiction’s ability to spark real-world genius."

"Sometimes it takes a true genius to clearly articulate the genius of others,” said Debbie Myers, the general manager and executive VP of Science. “This is what makes Prophets of Science Fiction such a singular project. Having the brilliant Ridley Scott as the on-air guide for this journey enables the series to illuminate the one-of-a-kind inspiration that transforms science fiction to science fact."